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April 12th Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting

April 12, 2016

Call to Order – Karon Dunifin, Vice-President at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call Present: Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazan, Karon Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel, Chris Navis, Traci Rhoades, Barb Wrobleski

Absent: Suzanne Antvelink

Approval of Agenda –Lynn made a motion, seconded by Mimi.

Approval of Minutes –Chris moved to approve the minutes with amendment, Lynn seconded.

Treasurers Report – Motion by Tom, to approve the treasurer’s report and seconded by Barb.

Correspondence – none

Public Comment – none

Director’s Report as follows:


Publicity: Up to 606 likes on Facebook, planning additional advertising on Facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, working on April/May newsletter.

Meetings, workshops, etc: Advisory and Board meeting for LLC, Emerging Leaders meetings, Michigan Leadership Academy.

Building Issues: none

Budget Issues: none

Library Closings: none

Volunteers: donat4ed books still coming in, program ideas.

Lakeland, State other library news -

Patron comments and suggestions: Donations for the library and for the library cat, continued book suggestions, dvd suggestions and programming suggestions.

Other – Books for Babies, mass mailing, PLA . Natalie shared a new project started at the Dorr library call Bing Boxes. Each box contains 4-6 DVD’s which follow a theme (sports, cartoons, Disney, etc). These can be checked out and will incur a $1/day late fee.

Old Business – Strategic Plan Committee: Mimi will update the committees report and send it out to us.

New Business – none

Public Comment – none

Adjournment – Traci made a motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. and Mimi seconded.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 at 7:00 PM.