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July 10th Minutes

Hopkins District Library

July 10th 2012

Present : Chris Navis , Anita Kerber, Karen Dunifun, Barb  Worlbeski

Barb W. moved to approve agenda , supported by Anita Kerber

Anita K moved to approve the minutes from June 12th meeting, supported by Chris N

Treasurers report was accepted, moved by Karen D. and supported by Anita K.

Correspondence – Natalie was invited to a dinner by the lawyers office and a dinner with the boy scouts for the eagle scouts.

Public comment:

Patrons like the book suggestion bookmarks, the bedtime story time was requested. And patrons like the new logo.

Directors report listed the programs being offered. Refer to the agenda.


Hunters safety class

Police visits


Linda Heppe has requested that her aid time off be banked and rolled over into next year. She anticipates needed time for her recuperation following a surgery. The board determined that it is not in the policy to roll over time from one calendar year into another. However if it is Medically determined that she cannot return to work she may request the remaining time due her on Dec 31st.

Meeting adjourned.