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October 11th Minutes

Hopkins District Library Board Meeting

October 11, 2016

Call to Order - Karon Dunifin, President at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call Present - Tom Bailey, Natalie Bazen, Karen Dunifin, Lynn Francis, Mimi Gabriel, Sandy Morris, Chris Navis and Traci Rhoades.

Absent - Barb Wrobleski

Approval of Agenda - Mimi made a motion to accept and Lynn seconded.

Approval of Minutes - Chris made a motion and Tom seconded.

Treasurer’s Report - Motion made by Lynn and Tom seconded

Correspondence - none

Public Comment - none

Director’s Report -

Programs - August - October Newsletter

Publicity up to 626 like on Facebook, planning additional advertising on facebook, Allegan County Community Foundation quarterly news is out, advertisement is still up at the Regent Theater, Summer newsletter.

Meetings, workshops, etc - Advisory and Board Meeting for LLC, Michigan Leadership Academy/MLA

Building Issues - Doors still need to be replaced, need 4 outside lights

Budget Issues - none

Library Closings - none

Volunteers - Donated books still coming in, program ideas.

Lakeland, State other library news - Lakeland new strategic plan

Patron comments and suggestions - donations for the library and the library cat, continued book suggestions, dvd suggestions and programing suggestions.

Other -

Old Business - Strategic plan update

New Business - Employee Handbook was presented to be voted on at the November meeting.  Halloween there will be candy check in our building.

It was brought up that we didn’t hold meetings this summer for 2 months due to not enough members to establish a quorum.  It was asked if we could have alternates.  Natalie will check on this issue.

Public Comment - none

Adjournment - Mimi made a motion to adjourn and Chris seconded the motion at 7:50 p.m.

Next meeting November 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.